Republika Srpska strives to develop and strengthen bilateral relations with the Russian Federation and will not allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to join anti-Russian sanctions, said Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, in an interview with Russian Gazette.

Additionally, he emphasized that Banja Luka is interested in expanding interactions with BRICS and aims to secure additional routes for gas supply from the Russian Federation to Republika Srpska.

  • The development of trade and economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and Republika Srpska is facilitated by the good relations between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and our president Milorad Dodik, Košarac stated.

He highlighted that Russia provides cheap gas to the citizens and businesses of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • However, in pro-Western Sarajevo, few remember that in 2023, the Russian Federation became the largest foreign investor in the economy of BiH, Košarac noted.

Košarac pointed out the significance of the construction, with the participation of Russian companies, of the “New Eastern Connection BiH-Serbia” gas pipeline, which could provide a significant boost to the economies of Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH.

  • Unfortunately, the project was blocked by the Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, he emphasized.

The Minister underlined that Bosnia and Herzegovina has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation.

  • This happened thanks to the principled stance of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik. Had the politicians from the Muslim-Croat Federation had the opportunity to bypass Republika Srpska on this issue, they would have done so. Political Sarajevo fully follows the foreign policy of the EU and the United States, Košarac reminded.

Košarac said he initiated a discussion in the Council of Ministers of BiH regarding BiH’s entry into BRICS, which was subsequently blocked by representatives of political Sarajevo.

  • Thus, the Bosniak elite once again demonstrated their complete loyalty to the West, he said.
  • Orienting solely towards the European Union, in my opinion, represents entering a one-way street where institutions are disciplined to follow exclusively the framework of Brussels’ policies. Republika Srpska cannot accept such practices, nor will we ever accept foreign dictates and instructions from the EU. But they will later realize that it was in vain, as I discussed with representatives from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. I saw their interest in aligning with BRICS. There is also a desire from Turkey to move closer to this organization as an alternative to the EU. Unfortunately, Bosniaks are under complete Western control and are not ready to defend their interests and resist the dictates of the US and the EU. We consider this a mistake, Košarac stated.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska will continue to lead an independent course based on the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords, strengthening economic ties with partners from BRICS.

Source: RTRS
