The high demands of the European Union have led Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to a debacle, and it is difficult to move forward, said Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska.

“Whenever an agreement is reached, the American ambassador intervenes and dictates what can and cannot be done,” Dodik emphasized after a meeting with the leaders of the parties forming the majority at the BiH level with EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi.

Dodik highlighted that Várhelyi is responsible for BiH’s negotiator status.

“But many, including the American ambassador, have slowed down the European path,” Dodik said.

Dodik informed Várhelyi that BiH’s foreign policy is continuously being undermined, and that the Bosniaks have further endangered it through their actions at the United Nations.

“The European Commission continuously demands the fulfillment of the same conditions that have been known for a long time, but this does not work in BiH, which is in a deep crisis and where every possibility of agreement is destroyed. We have a dysfunctional Constitutional Court of BiH, no budget, and the House of Peoples is blocked,” the President of Srpska stressed.

Dodik also pointed out that the discussions about the negotiating framework are forced.

“They keep saying the same thing. They cannot understand that it is not all about their money, which they supposedly want to give, and then they impose conditions to the extent that you humiliate yourself to the point of absurdity,” the President of Srpska said, adding that he is not optimistic and that BiH is just a farce, something Várhelyi could witness today.
