Professor of Geopolitics Srđan Perišić believes that the Constitutional Court of BiH has become a tool used by the West, with the help of Bosniak politics, to unify Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

Perišić told SRNA that the West, 29 years after Dayton, realized it had not succeeded in unifying BiH, that Republika Srpska still exists, and therefore decided to “attack Srpska by cleverly taking away its property, essentially its territory.”

According to him, the West has designated the Constitutional Court of BiH for this operation.

“Namely, the Dayton Agreement recognized Republika Srpska’s autonomy and territorial integrity. The West has decided, after three decades, to take away these elements of sovereignty from the Serbs in BiH. Therefore, the Constitutional Court of BiH has become a tool for the West, with the help of Bosniak politics, to unify BiH,” Perišić said.

He emphasized that this is why they are firmly holding onto the foreign judges and the latest “decision” that the existing judges can continue their duties even after their mandate expires until new judges are elected.

“Therefore, if the Constitutional Court of BiH was previously a tool for disciplining Srpska, it is now designated to strike at the very existence of Republika Srpska,” Perišić pointed out.

On Friday, the Constitutional Court of BiH ruled that “Republika Srpska does not have the constitutional authority to regulate the issue of immovable state property” and that regulating this issue is “under the exclusive jurisdiction of BiH.”

It also made a decision to change the rules of the Constitutional Court, extending the mandate of judges until newly elected judges take office.

Source: RTRS
