Acting Director of the Investment-Development Bank of Republika Srpska (IRB), Dražen Vrhovac, stated that it is very important for IRB to be a full member of the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB), as it provides access to crucial information as well as future plans and trends in the EU financial market.

  • “It is important to be part of such an association. This gives us the opportunity to timely understand processes and position the IRB and Republika Srpska in international financial flows,” said Vrhovac, who is leading the IRB delegation at the EAPB Annual Meeting in Barcelona today.

Vrhovac emphasized that the contacts made through membership in this association are of immeasurable significance, according to a statement from the IRB of Republika Srpska.

At the Assembly, information on the Association’s past activities and results was reviewed, the financial report and the report on EAPB’s work for the past year were adopted, and the plan and program of work for the upcoming period were approved. A new Administrative Board, which manages the Association, was also elected.

The European Association of Public Banks was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Brussels, representing European public banking.

Directly or indirectly, the Association represents more than 90 financial institutions from various European countries (EU members or candidates for membership), collectively holding about 15% of the European market share and a balance sheet of around 3.5 trillion euros.

EAPB members provide financial services and project financing that support sustainable economic and social development – activities related to financing companies, promoting the “green economy,” social housing, healthcare, education, and public infrastructure at the national, regional, and local levels.

Source: RTRS
