President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that there is an effort to prevent Srpska from managing its own resources, which is why there is a push for the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). He emphasized that while Muslims have accepted a BiH where foreigners dictate everything, Serbs have not and will not do the same.

Following the decision of the Constitutional Court of BiH, which claims that property falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of BiH, Dodik remarked that the intent is to turn Republika Srpska into a mere ceremonial shell.

  • Essentially, there is a serious reason behind this to have others manage BiH. Muslims have already accepted that foreigners dictate everything in BiH. We Serbs have not and do not intend to do so, at least not this generation. However, some believe that we might be forced to. Currently, resources are the main topic worldwide – Dodik explained to Srna.

He added that the world is now positioning itself to secure raw materials, and Republika Srpska has resources, which is well known. This has led to local initiatives to prevent mining in areas rich in ores, hoping to reserve these for their future masters.

  • Then, no one will ask questions. Multinational companies will come in, and if anyone objects, forces like SIPA will disperse them, as Sarajevo will have given permission to mine lithium in Lopare. But Republika Srpska is being prohibited and prevented from doing so – Dodik stated.

He explained that the centralization of BiH is desired for these reasons as well as for other geopolitical reasons. The Constitutional Court is just one of the instruments being used to test the limits.

  • The Constitutional Court is a caricature of a court, having arrogated powers that no other constitutional court in the world possesses. If there had been a genuine intention to make BiH a lawful state, the foreigners in the Constitutional Court should have been resolved five years after its establishment, by 2001 – Dodik said, concluding that both the Constitutional Court and the person claiming to be the High Representative are illegitimate.

Source: RTRS
