Poetry theater Imperative, in collaboration with Vrisk from Rijeka, will present a vivid stage adaptation of the book “My Name is Lidija Deduš” on Saturday, June 1, at the Vijećnica Banski Dvor in Banja Luka.

Participants of poetry theater Imperative, passionate about art, have been diligently working for months to prepare the stage adaptation of “My Name is Lidija Deduš,” based on the eponymous book that features vignettes from the life of the author Lidija Deduš.

The stage adaptation is grounded in the real-life experiences and dilemmas of a woman born into a patriarchal society.

Actress Miljka Brđanin worked with a group of young individuals with the support of the director of the Association for the Promotion and Popularization of Literature Imperativ, Sanel Babić.

The audience can expect an exceptionally interesting and inspiring project, as the participants noted that the script was inspirational to work on and the process was very liberating.

Source: RTRS
