Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that the West is trying to impose solutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) that are not in line with the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement.

He emphasized that U.S. Ambassador Michael Murphy and Christian Schmidt are the creators and promoters of such policies.

“Introducing a model where any institution at the level of BiH can vote and make decisions without the participation of Republika Srpska means anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton actions,” Košarac said.

He pointed out that Murphy and Schmidt want to turn the Constitutional Court of BiH into a purely political body that will serve the interests of Western countries and Bosniak politics, aiming at the centralization of BiH.

“This is unacceptable and will never be acceptable for Republika Srpska. Therefore, we insist on the adoption of a law on the Constitutional Court of BiH and the termination of the mandates of foreign judges,” Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
