It has long been clear that the foreign policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) does not function as mandated by the Constitution and its prescribed procedures. Various Ministers of Foreign Affairs and ambassadors have acted unilaterally, without the consent of the BiH Presidency, presenting their personal views as the stance of BiH.

The last straw was the resolution on Srebrenica, on which BiH’s ambassador to the UN, Zlatko Lagumdžija, admitted he began working on ten years ago. In the last twelve months, he succeeded in his aim. However, can the 84 votes “for” out of 193 member states of the UN General Assembly be considered a success?

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, states that the so-called diplomatic success of the 21st century, as Denis Bećirović refers to the resolution on Srebrenica, is nothing but a debacle of decades-long lies and deceptions spread by Bosnian Muslims around the world.

Despite the secrecy, breached procedures, and the support of a group of friends, 107 countries did not support the resolution. Eighty-four voted “for” this document. Such a resolution is, above all, a defeat for Bosniak politics, indicating that Bosniak policies are on the wrong side, emphasizes Dodik.

“It should have been policies of negotiation with us, not obedience to foreigners, Americans, and Germans. They side with them because they think it will harm us Serbs the most. Now it has become clear that this is not the case. We Serbs must say enough. We have no reason to believe them anymore,” said Dodik.

For the President of the Srpska Parliament, Nenad Stevandić, the most dreadful and pathetic aspect is the admission that the resolution on Srebrenica was prepared secretly.

“Some executor of joint life and cooperation certainly exists, and the future is certainly uncertain. They secretly worked on this resolution, and it is known what is done in secret: murders are planned, banks are robbed, while publicly only what is yours is defended,” said Stevandić.

If someone in BiH secretly prepared an act that concerns an entire people in BiH, which is the Serbian people, then that deserves to be called a shameful act of political action with which Republika Srpska is not confronting for the first time, warns the leader of the Socialist Party, Petar Đokić.

“How can we move forward when you bring such a stance so sneakily, behind our backs, without consent, without the opportunity for us to say anything about it, lobby it in the world, and get the support of a part of the countries,” says Đokić.

The Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Ivica Dačić, who until May 2nd, as the head of Serbian diplomacy, discussed the resolution with 73 ambassadors of countries with the right to vote in the UN, recalls that when the talks about this document began loudly, Lagumdžija presented his calculation – he expected the support of two-thirds of the countries.

“That is much more, double what they got. And in that regard, it cannot be precisely determined whose pyrrhic victory or honorable defeat this is,” says Dačić.

The Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Siniša Karan, pointed out the voting outcome and the consequences of the resolution to the Serbian diaspora in Vienna. A document of purely political character destroyed the sovereignty of BiH but also showed the unity and strength of the Serbian people, says Karan.

“Two-thirds of humanity saw that this is a politically charged resolution. Two-thirds of humanity know that Serbs are not such a people, that they are a freedom-loving people, and I think that is one good aspect of this unfortunate resolution,” says Karan.

The Veterans Organization of Republika Srpska believes that the voting in the General Assembly, led by America, which allied with countries that committed the greatest genocides in the world, once again showed the real intentions towards Srpska. They emphasize that the creators of the resolution did not prioritize truth and scientific approach to Srebrenica.

“It is clear that the suffering in Srebrenica is meant to serve as a myth on which the young Bosniak nation will build its national identity in the future and that the full truth will never be reached,” they state from BORS.

Timothy Less, a leading researcher at the Centre for Geopolitics at the University of Cambridge, sees no winners after the adoption of the resolution, emphasizing, not even the Bosniaks. The Serbs, he says, may have lost the vote on the resolution, but the US, Germany, and other proponents did not gain the support they sought.

The Director of the Office for Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Government of Serbia, Arnaud Gouillon, assessed that the West, with the resolution on Srebrenica, deliberately ignores Serb victims, and Germany reanimates endemic racism believed to have disappeared in Europe after World War II.

Source: RTRS
