The Acting Director of the Republic Center for War, War Crimes, and Missing Persons Research, Viktor Nuzdić, stated that the resolution on Srebrenica, adopted by the UN General Assembly, is not legally binding and represents the position of certain states on a particular issue.

  • This issue should never have been brought before the United Nations General Assembly; it is a political decision to adopt the resolution on Srebrenica. It is all Western hypocrisy – Nuzdić said while appearing on the RTRS Morning Program.

He reminded that there is no unified stance or consensus among the proposers and that the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been violated.

Nuzdić noted that a large number of countries follow US policy and vote in line with the most powerful countries.

  • There are also positive aspects to the adoption of the resolution, which is the unity of the Serb people. A joint policy can lead us to improvement – said Nuzdić, adding that it is our duty to teach our children, through an institutional approach, that Serbs are a heroic and freedom-loving people who have always fought for their freedom.

Source: RTRS
