I urge everyone in the UN General Assembly to vote against the resolution on Srebrenica because it is highly politicized, said President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić in his address at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Vučić questioned Germany on why the resolution is being brought forward when individual responsibility has already been delivered through verdicts.

“It is difficult to speak after Germany for many reasons. No matter what you do, those who are powerful will accuse you of denying crimes, of underestimating and minimizing because you dare to raise your voice against them,” said Vučić.

Vučić emphasized that he wants to expose these falsehoods.

“I have already paid tribute to the victims and laid a flower in Srebrenica for all the fallen Bosniaks,” said Vučić.

He asked if this resolution brings reconciliation. He questioned Germany’s permanent representative on why the preparation for this resolution was hidden.

Vučić asked why this resolution is being brought forward now.

“I hope that all genocides will be condemned according to the 2015 resolution, including the genocide committed against the Serbian people. We paid the highest price in World War II,” said Vučić.

Vučić asked who needs this resolution and why those people have not started talking about the genocides committed by their countries.

“I would ask three questions about why this resolution is being brought forward. They spoke about individual responsibility, mentioning Montenegrin amendments. If that is the case, why is this resolution being brought forward at all? When it comes to individual legal responsibility, it has already been delivered through indictments and verdicts. All those people have already been sentenced to prison terms. There are no individual names in this resolution, it is not mentioned at all. It is about everything in general. Why at all if we already brought a resolution on genocide around the world in 2015? Why only this case and this example?” asked Vučić.

He stated that he is waiting for answers from the powerful and big countries.

“Why did you need to put so much pressure on a large number of UN members against a small country like Serbia? Why did you threaten member states that if they do not vote for the resolution, they will not receive your assistance – economic and otherwise?” asked Vučić.

He said there are dozens of such examples.

“And still, as you can see, there is one small country from the Balkans that will vote against because this resolution will open Pandora’s box,” said Vučić.

He asked how to explain that the horrific killing is a terrible crime and that killing 8,000 people is greater than killing 20 million people in World War II or killing a million Serbs, including children in Kragujevac.

“Why did you propose the resolution? We had all the verdicts. Everything was settled. Why? Because someone needed it politically. I personally went to Srebrenica to pay tribute, I was lynched, and the next day I extended my hand to those who did it. This is not about reconciliation. This is something that will open old wounds and create complete political chaos. I wanted to give you a gift, Mr. President. I know I can’t wave it, but I will bring it to you. Today, we are not defending ourselves, but the world and international law,” said Vučić.

Source: RTRS
