One of the goals of the Srebrenica resolution is to accelerate the process of federalizing BiH by discrediting the Serbian people and the position of Republika Srpska, diplomat Zoran Milivojević told RTRS.

“The key issue is the resistance of Republika Srpska to the further degradation of the original Dayton Agreement and the questioning of Republika Srpska’s position,” Milivojević said.

Milivojević pointed out that the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution would have multiple consequences. He explained that the intention is to reintroduce the topic of Republika Srpska as a “genocidal creation” and to undermine the original Dayton Agreement and Republika Srpska from that standpoint.

“BiH operates based on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the ‘sacred formula’—two entities and three constituent peoples. We have had peace and functionality for 29 years, and this raises the issue of the original Dayton by challenging the entities and the credibility of the Serbian people in the entire narrative,” Milivojević noted.

He emphasized that the resolution’s goal is also tied to the broader Serb community.

“The pressure on the Serb community is not only related to BiH but also to completing the unresolved issue regarding Kosovo and Metohija. In other words, compromising Serbs and pressuring them,” Milivojević said.

He mentioned that there are two issues being addressed with a single strategic goal.

“That goal is to recognize new borders in the Balkans to the detriment of the Serb people and to definitively close the Serb national issue with those new borders. When I say new borders, I mean Serbia, Kosovo, that is, Serbia without Kosovo, and a centralized BiH,” Milivojević concluded.

Reflecting on the situation in Gaza, Milivojević said that there are far more elements of genocide there than in the case of Srebrenica.

Source: RTRS
