Efraim Zuroff, Israeli director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the “last Nazi hunter,” and Yehuda Bauer, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem considered by experts as the leading authority on the Holocaust and genocide, have unequivocally stated that there was no genocide in Srebrenica.

In an exclusive interview conducted for the documentary film “Anatomy of Deceit: Srebrenica,” produced by the Center for Social Stability, these world authorities shared their opinions.

“Perhaps the best way to describe it, based on what you said, is that it would be genocide if the plan to solve the problem involved the destruction of the other group. In Bosnia, the plan was not to kill all Bosniaks, not at all. That is unthinkable. That is the point. Therefore, it is not genocide,” Zuroff stated in a conversation with Yehuda Bauer.

As a reminder, Serbia is defending its honor and international law today, as the shameful resolution on Srebrenica is set to be on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly.

Source: RTRS
