What happened today proves that the Court and Prosecutor’s Office are unconstitutional institutions formed by the will of foreigners and that they defend that will, said Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, at a press conference following the hearing.

Dodik warned that this is a political process.

  • “No one is prosecuting those who amended the criminal law without authority, but it is clear that the judges are accepting this, and that is why this process is ongoing,” said Dodik.

Dodik believes there is no point in engaging with this lack of argumentation.

  • “I never believed that an objective process could be achieved, but now we have a situation where a process is being conducted against me because I do not recognize the so-called High Representative. They want to assert a priori that this exists. This was an opportunity to show whether he exists or not,” Dodik emphasized.

Source: RTRS
