President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik has asked the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Kyriakos Mitsotakis to use his authority to ensure that Greece seriously reconsiders any intention to support the Srebrenica resolution, which, he reminded, has not been agreed upon either within the institutions or among the peoples of BiH.

  • “Instead of the false peace it allegedly promises to bring, this resolution will only further deepen animosities in BiH and threaten its survival, thus jeopardizing the peace and stability of the region and Europe as a whole,” President Dodik pointed out in a letter sent to the Greek Prime Minister.

Dodik stated that he was unpleasantly surprised by the news of a meeting between the Greek ambassador to the UN in New York and the Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, through which Greece indirectly supported the shameful resolution on Srebrenica, and he highlighted several important facts.

  • “Mr. Bećirović represents only his Bosniak-Muslim people and his party. He does not represent BiH in any capacity, especially not the Serbs from BiH. His career is based on Serbophobic positions that poison the political narrative and hinder the reconciliation process among the three constituent peoples in BiH,” Dodik stated.

The President of Republika Srpska explained that the proposed text of the Srebrenica resolution, which the Serbs in BiH and the Western Balkans region will neither recognize nor implement, aims to unjustly morally discredit the Serb people, who are friends of the Greeks, with the ultimate goal of abolishing Republika Srpska, creating a unitarist Muslim state of BiH in the heart of the Balkans, and halting the progress and development of the Republic of Serbia.

  • “The adoption of this shameful resolution will halt all reconciliation processes in BiH and the region, as well as the further path of BiH towards EU membership. Such an outcome will not be beneficial for the countries of the region, nor will it be good, in economic and security terms, for the surrounding countries and Europe as a whole,” Dodik warned in the letter sent to Mitsotakis.

He pointed out that for any country that has experienced civil war and civilian casualties, it is disgraceful to glorify the victims of only one nation while ignoring and belittling all others.

Source: RTRS
