The Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that Christian Schmidt needs a medical diagnosis and that it is high time to help this patient.

Košarac posted a statement on Instagram from the illegitimate foreigner Schmidt, who said that his position “gives him many sticks and few carrots” and that, as he says, he sees that using the stick yields results, especially in exerting pressure on Milorad Dodik.

Košarac emphasized that this is not Schmidt’s populism or a drive to collect political points, and that no adequate or decent comment can be found for these disgusting and nonsensical statements.

  • “Since I really cannot find any meaningful sentence to attempt to explain the new mental eclipse of the occupier Schmidt, it might be better to resort to medical definitions. Treating the patient begins with diagnosing the condition,” Košarac noted.

He then offered, as he said, his modest contribution to this:

“1. Psychosis is a mental disorder where the primary symptom is the patient’s alienation from reality. It manifests in disturbed or even severed contact with reality, deep disturbances in perception, emotions, thinking, and behavior.

  1. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by recurring episodes of psychosis associated with a general misperception of reality.”

Košarac emphasized that he does not know whether and if so, how the issue of health insurance is regulated for the illegitimate foreigner residing in BiH, but it is certainly, in the best interest of the patient, necessary for urgent care in Germany.

Source: RTRS
