Republika Srpska is a source of pride for the entire Serb people, a lesson in patriotism, and it is not a genocidal creation, said today in Doboj the Minister of Family and Demography of Serbia, Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski.

Stamenkovska emphasized that Republika Srpska is a response to genocide, to all pressures and attempts to displace the Serbian people who have lived there for centuries, to deprive them of their rights, and to subject them to the fate of their compatriots from other regions.

  • “Republika Srpska is a pride for the entire Serb people, it is a lesson in patriotism and a beacon of freedom, and as such, it will not be able to be disputed regardless of the outcome of the vote in the UN General Assembly,” said Stamenkovska to the press in Doboj.

She assessed that no one in the world, when it comes to the Srebrenica resolution, neither among those advocating for its adoption nor among those opposing it, has any doubt that it is a political document intended to have far-reaching political consequences, with Republika Srpska as the target.

  • “They want to use it to initiate a doctrine for the non-recognition of entities that they claim were created through war crimes and genocide,” said Stamenkovska.

According to her, it is evident that no one wants to ensure peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but rather the opposite, to dig into the past to ignite new conflicts and divisions. She appealed to the citizens living in Bosnia and Herzegovina not to fall for such provocations.

She pointed out the immense injustice that it is not recognized that more than 3,500 Serbs were killed in the Srebrenica area and that those responsible for these crimes largely went unpunished.

  • “It is clear that the Serbi people have never wanted to trade with their victims or put them in a political context,” she said.
  • “That is why we have not alarmed the entire international community to seek satisfaction for our victims through the adoption of documents or resolutions,” she added.

She stressed that it is very important that the response to all this is the unity and solidarity of the Serb people and that the upcoming gathering on June 8 will send a message that Serbs will stand together regardless of the challenges ahead.

Source: RTRS

  • “Republika Srpska will remain for us not only what is written in the Dayton Agreement but primarily an expression of the people’s needs to be their own masters in their own land,” said Stamenkovska.

She pointed out that a significant diplomatic effort has been mobilized and that Serbia has engaged all available resources to thwart the intention of adopting the resolution by a convincing majority.

  • “The fact that the vote has been postponed several times speaks volumes about their uncertainty regarding the outcome and that they had to invest significantly more resources and mobilize far more lobbying centers to push for the adoption of such a document,” assessed Stamenkovska.

She added that on May 24, the day after the announced vote on the resolution, the entire Serbia will raise tricolors and send a message that Serbs are a proud people, not genocidal or criminal as some are trying to label them.
