Serbia Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin emphasized that France, Germany, Italy, and the entire EU should stop referring to Republika Srpska as a negative example when discussing the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM) in Kosovo and Metohija.

“Republika Srpska was formed by the Dayton Agreement, and when the agreement is respected, BiH functions,” Vulin stated in response to a letter from Germany, France, and Italy to Kosovo’s self-proclaimed Prime Minister Albin Kurti. In the letter, they assert that they do not want a dysfunctional Kosovo and that the CSM cannot be compared to Republika Srpska in any way.

If BiH is dysfunctional, as France, Germany, and Italy apparently believe, Vulin argues, then the blame lies with the foreigners who govern BiH and those attempting to abolish Republika Srpska.

“The so-called Kosovo cannot be in the Council of Europe because it is not a state, not because the CSM has not been formed. The so-called Kosovo cannot be in the Council of Europe because it is not a state, not because it has not fulfilled its obligations from the Brussels Agreement,” Vulin pointed out.

He highlighted that the CSM’s statute is proposed by an elected and confirmed management team composed of Serbs from the four northern Kosovo municipalities, not Albanians or the European mediator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajčák.

“This was agreed upon in 2013 with EU representatives. The problem is not Kurti; the problem is the EU, which has not kept its word for 11 years,” Vulin stated in a press release.

In the letter from France, Germany, and Italy, it is mentioned, among other things, that Pristina has not met the international community’s conditions regarding Council of Europe membership because it has not taken any concrete steps towards establishing the CSM.

Source: RTRS
