President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated this evening that the struggle over the resolution on Srebrenica is an unequal battle. However, he said that next Thursday at the UN, we will witness the birth of a different and new world order.

“There is a significant number of countries that dare to oppose the terror of the majority and their perception of the truth. A very significant number of countries. They are no longer hesitant to speak freely. I am not hesitant to speak freely. No one can take that away from me,” Vučić said to RTS.

When asked if there is such a country in the region, Vučić responded that Hungary is certainly a free country.

He emphasized that behind this resolution are exclusively Berlin, London, and Washington, and it would be very hypocritical to blame the countries in the region that will vote for it.

“What do you want me to say when a country like Mexico abstains or Nicaragua votes against? I can tell you that because they are strong people, strong countries. And Montenegro votes for it. Or China votes against, and Montenegro votes for it. But that also shows how the world order is changing. And their apologetic reasons and everything they say are laughable to me,” Vučić said.

Regarding North Macedonia, he said they are friends and brothers of Serbs, but that’s how it functions there.

“When you don’t have enough strength in the international arena, then you have to deal with that. But should we take it out on Montenegro and North Macedonia? It wouldn’t make much sense. I think it’s fairer and more honest to come forward as a man and on behalf of Serbia, and say what I think to those who really stand behind this. That is Berlin, London, and Washington,” Vučić stated.

When asked about relations with Germany, Vučić said they are not like during Chancellor Angela Merkel’s time, but he believes we will be able to build better relations with that country.

“Relations with Chancellor Olaf Scholz are different compared to Merkel, and relations with Scholz are different compared to what we have with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I believe we will be able to build better relations with them,” Vučić noted.

He added that Serbia has never had great relations with the British, but we will also have to build better relations there.

“We talk with Washington. Sometimes it is easier to talk with Washington than with many others. You know, at least they are willing to listen to you, if nothing else. And for me to say now, Podgorica and Skopje are to blame, and not those who created this, I would be a hypocrite and show that I am a coward. I don’t think I am a coward and I know how to call things by their proper name and address the right people,” Vučić explained.

Source: RTRS
