The Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, stated that the letter from Elmedin Konaković to the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, does not reflect the position of BiH but rather that of a frustrated individual who continuously abuses his position.

  • This is the problem with the Bosniak cadre. They would usurp everything that is joint, decide on behalf of themselves, and then sell the illusion that it is on behalf of everyone – Cvijanović emphasized for Srna when asked to comment on Konaković’s letter to Varhelyi in which he criticizes him for, as he said, publicly joining the shameful propaganda of Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić.

Cvijanović pointed out that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in the Council of Ministers is not the private property of Elmedin Konaković, for him to decide autonomously what he wants or does not want, although he behaves as if it is.

  • Instead of building relations with friendly countries as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he persistently undermines them. Konaković takes the liberty to lecture anyone who does not think like him, both outside and inside BiH. This is neither politics nor diplomacy. This is not fitting for a head of diplomacy, but it fits someone who continuously bothers us all with his nervous reactions – Cvijanović concluded.

Source: RTRS
