The claims by certain federal media that $200 million has been transferred to the Republika Srpska Representation in Moscow are outright lies and fabrications by some Sarajevo circles, whose goal is to damage the relations between Republika Srpska and Hungary, and indirectly Russia, said Duško Perović, Head of the Srpska Representation in Moscow, to RTRS.

“Yesterday, the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot at with a pistol, and here they are trying to shoot at Republika Srpska, Hungary, and indirectly Russia with false propaganda. However, their lies have been exposed, and I will sue them for this slander,” Perović emphasized.

He stressed that this is not a coincidence.

“This is happening precisely when Hungary stated it would not support the resolution on Srebrenica,” Perović noted.

He highlighted that the Republika Srpska Representation in Moscow is registered solely as a Representation and not as a commercial organization.

“And it cannot, according to Russian laws, receive money from third parties. We receive funds exclusively from our ministries to pay salaries and cover all necessary obligations for the Representation to function smoothly,” Perović said, commenting on the claims by “Oslobođenje” that $200 million had been transferred to the Srpska Representation in Moscow.

He emphasized that anyone interested can publicly check the transactions of the Representation in Moscow.

“The turnover ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 euros for our living expenses. Do you know what an amount of $200 million represents? That is 10% of the budget of Republika Srpska,” Perović pointed out.

Perović reiterated that the Representation exclusively deals with its official duties.

“As an example, I would mention 2014 when there were floods in Srpska. Numerous companies called us to help, but we could not accept even one dollar because we are not registered for such activities,” Perović stressed.

Source: RTRS
