Political analyst Dragomir Anđelković stated that Hungary’s stance against the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly, as a member of NATO and the EU, carries significant weight and encourages others.

Commenting on the visit of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik to Budapest, Anđelković emphasized that Hungary’s support for Republika Srpska is twofold. Firstly, there are direct relations and close ties between Banja Luka and Budapest, particularly between Dodik and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as well as economic cooperation.

“Hungary stands firmly with us as a first-rate, direct partner of Republika Srpska and Serbia. Another important factor is that Hungary is a proponent of sovereign values and a Europe that respects national traditions and nation-states,” Anđelković told Srna.

He pointed out that Hungary principledly supports Republika Srpska and all those who advocate for a Europe that is a community of equals rather than a collection of subordinate entities to a supranational European elite.

Anđelković highlighted the importance of Hungary taking over many projects from which the Germans have withdrawn to complicate Republika Srpska’s position.

“This has prime economic significance for us and encourages other investors to continue coming to Republika Srpska despite some Western factors trying to sabotage the development of Srpska,” Anđelković concluded.

Source: RTRS
