The President of the Movement for Changes, Nebojša Medojević, stated that the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajić, would not support the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly if he considered the fact that 30 percent of the population in Montenegro are Serbs.

“If we had a normal prime minister, the situation with Montenegro would be much easier regarding support for the resolution,” Medojević said.

He noted that the resolution has its regional geopolitical significance at a time when efforts are being made to admit Pristina to the Council of Europe and discussions are taking place about amending the Constitution and revising the Dayton Peace Agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The effects are political—it will create tensions in the region. There are 30 percent Serbs in Montenegro, and a prime minister who considered them would say he won’t vote for it,” Medojević said.

The leader of the PZP claims that Spajić is not interested in these topics “because he is already a target of international manipulators.”

Source: RTRS
