A lecture titled “American Foreign Policy: The Role of Congress and Lobbying” was held at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka, organized by the Center for Federalist and International Studies.

The speakers included former U.S. Congressman and lobbyist Robert McEwen and the Minister for European Integration and International Cooperation of Republika Srpska, Zlatan Klokić.

  • Republika Srpska is committed to implementing the Dayton Agreement, and its foundations remain strong, said the director of the consulting firm “Council for National Policy” and former U.S. Congressman Robert McEwen.

Regarding the proposed resolution on Srebrenica to be discussed at the UN General Assembly, McEwen noted that he believes professional politicians and diplomats always find something to stir up and create some form of friction.

  • I don’t think it will have any lasting impact; it’s more just to irritate. If they manage to pass it, there will be something else a year from now. That’s simply how they operate – said McEwen.

Minister for European Integration and International Cooperation of Republika Srpska, Zlatan Klokić, argued that the claim made by those who initiated the resolution on Srebrenica that it will bring reconciliation is not true.

  • It certainly won’t; instead, it will create even greater differences within BiH and sharpen certain positions. The purpose of the resolution will not be to create a better environment and a more stable BiH, but rather to cause turbulence and exacerbate relations – said Klokić.

The panel discussion at the Faculty of Political Sciences was organized for students. The Vice-Rector for Human and Material Resources at the University of Banja Luka, Dalibor Kesić, said that it would enable students to hear directly from someone who has spent many years in the U.S. Congress about how the relationship between Congress and other segments within the U.S. functions and how Congress shapes American foreign policy, which also impacts this region.

Source: RTRS
