The proposed resolution on Srebrenica is completely unnecessary and inaccurate, and it would be best for BiH and the initiators of the resolution to withdraw it, said the Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac.

  • That would be the best for BiH. That would be the best for good relations between Bosniaks, Serbs, and everyone else – Košarac told reporters on Jahorina.

He emphasized that the resolution on Srebrenica is a product of pathological hatred towards the Serbian people and the pathological need of the Bosniak political structure to, together with international sponsors, create policies directed against Serbia and Republika Srpska.

Košarac stated that withdrawing the resolution would be best for relations in the region as it represents a classic act of deceit by a segment of the Bosniak elite in Sarajevo, who unconstitutionally created the resolution behind the scenes and submitted it to the UN.

  • This resolution was not discussed within BiH or the BiH Presidency, which speaks to the pathological need of the Bosniaks to habitually work against the interests of the Serbian people, to create problems in the region despite the messages from Serbia and Republika Srpska about the need for good relations – Košarac said.

According to him, despite very clear policies of peace and stability and regional cooperation promoted by the presidents of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, there is a kind of political drive and pathology that will, unfortunately, only complicate relations.

  • It should be noted that Presidents Vučić and Dodik have made additional efforts to prevent the adoption of the resolution (at the UN General Assembly). This is a very difficult task, and it is evident that many UN member states realize that this is a deceitful move and does not reflect the factual situation – Košarac emphasized.

He added that the postponement of putting the resolution proposal on the agenda of the UN General Assembly shows that the policies of Vučić and Dodik are fully aligned with international law and standards, and that their efforts to truthfully inform the world public are yielding results.

  • The politics of deceit and falsification that characterize the certain role of the Bosniak political elite have been uncovered – Košarac added.

The session of the UN General Assembly, during which the proposal for the resolution on Srebrenica is expected to be discussed, will be held on Thursday, May 23, according to the UN General Assembly’s website.

The adoption of the resolution has been postponed several times.

Source: RTRS
