The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, extended his congratulations on the occasion of May 15th – International Day of Families.

  • From the heart, I extend my congratulations to all citizens of Republika Srpska on the occasion of May 15th – International Day of Families, wishing you to enjoy all the joys that life offers. The Serbian people cherish a tradition that is closely tied to the family, gatherings, and community, and we know that there is no life without a healthy family around which we are gathered – the President’s message reads.

Dodik emphasized that “today, the family is under attack from ‘Western’ values through certain liberal ideas that aim to weaken this community, and we must oppose and reject them with all our strength.”

  • It is unacceptable to introduce gender ideology through the back door; therefore, we need to define more precisely by law the principles of the traditional family, as it is in such a family that we should raise our children, in the best possible environment – the President’s message states.

Dodik stressed that “for Serbs, the family will always be the foundation of a healthy society, along with the traditional values our people hold, related to our faith, identity, script, language, and patron saint day.”

  • The health and happiness of our loved ones are most important to us because we know there is no life without a healthy family! – the President’s message concludes.

Source: RTRS
