
Vulić: The disintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina can only occur due to Schmidt’s senseless actions

Vulić: The disintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina can only occur due to Schmidt’s senseless actions

The head of the SNSD Parliamentary Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sanja Vulić, stated that the breakup of Bosnia and Herzegovina is threatened solely and exclusively due to the senseless actions of the frustrated illegal foreigner Christian Schmidt and his mentor Michael Murphy.

  • Christian Schmidt’s goal has been clear since his arrival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is to undermine the Dayton Agreement and create an Islamic Bosnia. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that he announced the “dissolution of the state” in his illegal report to the UN Security Council – Vulić emphasized.

She noted that Schmidt’s submission of the report to the UN Security Council is tragicomic and self-degrading, considering that at the recent session of the UN General Assembly, he appeared as a private individual, as he was presented, and not as the High Representative, which he is not, as his appointment was never confirmed by an appropriate UN resolution.

  • Schmidt, along with Michael Murphy, is a proven Serb-hater, as he openly demonstrated in this report. What else can we expect from a person whose only orientation is towards Nazi heritage and attempts to rehabilitate Nazi pilots and generals – Vulić stressed, adding that his shameful report is a revenge against Serbs for their anti-fascist struggle.

She said that she must remind the German tourist that, regardless of his lies presented on a piece of paper called a report, they are contradicted by just one of the many facts, which is that all moves aimed at meeting the conditions for EU accession were made by Serbian representatives in the joint institutions.

  • However, this does not suit Schmidt, and any form of agreement among local politicians has failed because it was demanded by the representatives of the Bosniak people, precisely by him, the unnamed foreigner, and Michael Murphy. For all the evil in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the dismantling of Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the violation of the Dayton Agreement, the only culprits are Christian Schmidt and Michael Murphy, frustrated Serb-haters and advocates of an Islamic Bosnia – Vulić emphasized for Srna.

Source: RTRS
