Legal expert Ognjen Tadić stated that the letter Christian Schmidt submitted to the UN can be most accurately described as an insolent scheming ploy written in a childish tattletale style, attempting to blame others for everything bad while attributing all good to himself.

Tadić explained that in this manner, Schmidt accuses the Republika Srpska, which is trying to protect the Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and itself, of not respecting Dayton, even though he himself, as a false High Representative, is the greatest example of violating that agreement.

According to him, consequently, everything else Schmidt has done while falsely presenting himself also represents a violation of Dayton.

  • On the other hand, Schmidt supposedly reports affirmatively on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s progress on the EU path as if we all don’t know that he and the U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Murphy, have done everything they could to halt that progress. It really must be said – even if it’s from Schmidt, it’s too much – Tadić emphasized for Srna.

Source: RTRS
