The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, met today in Banja Luka with Robert McEwen, the executive director of the consulting firm “Council for National Policy” and a six-term congressman in the US House of Representatives representing the state of Ohio.

Višković informed McEwen about the political situation in BiH and stated that Republika Srpska advocates for the respect of the original Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH, noting that any changes should be made exclusively by the consensus of all peoples and institutions, as stipulated.

He also discussed the political activities of the US Ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy. Višković added that people who respect the Constitution are being sanctioned in BiH and mentioned that he himself is under sanctions by the US Department of the Treasury.

The meeting also addressed the resolution on Srebrenica, and Višković informed McEwen that Republika Srpska appointed an international expert commission tasked with investigating the suffering of all peoples in that area during the period 1992-1995.

  • As he emphasized, they created a report with full autonomy, stating that there was no genocide in Srebrenica, but that there were casualties on both sides – the statement from the Government of Republika Srpska says.

During the meeting with Višković, McEwen highlighted that he knows Serbs have always fought for freedom and recalled the Halyard Mission, in which American pilots were rescued.

He expressed his pleasure that Republika Srpska has a representative office in Washington and offered his assistance.

McEwen noted that better days are coming for the relations between the US and Republika Srpska, especially in terms of the economy.

Source: RTRS
