Policies of obstruction will not bring good to anyone and are not sustainable in the long run, and Republika Srpska wants to be part of positive regional processes, not a black hole in the Balkans, said Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, today.

At the opening of the seventh “Jahorina Economic Forum,” Košarac reminded of news from prestigious magazines that have ranked Republika Srpska among the 10 most promising regions in Europe in terms of attracting foreign investments, stating that this is the result of adequate policies and measures by Srpska’s institutions aimed at improving the business environment and attracting new investments, reports Srna.

  • We place special focus on regional cooperation, connecting our entrepreneurs, new markets, and new investments. President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik was the initiator of BiH’s membership in the regional initiative Open Balkan, aware of the advantages and benefits for the economic sector of Srpska and the Federation of BiH (FBiH) – said Košarac.

He added that the “Jahorina Economic Forum” has become a recognizable brand of Republika Srpska.

Košarac stated that, unfortunately, there is stagnation in the FBiH, as Republika Srpska always shows openness to cooperation despite numerous political challenges it faces.

  • The policies of Srpska and President Dodik are never directed against the development of the FBiH, but the policies from Sarajevo slow us down and very often block development projects in Srpska, such as the Buk Bijela Hydroelectric Power Plant, the Eastern Gas Interconnection, the Trebinje Airport, and similar projects – emphasized Košarac.

According to him, by organizing this forum, the institutions of Republika Srpska and President Dodik have proven responsible policy in affirming all the values of Srpska.

Košarac highlighted that this is yet another indicator that Srpska is recognized on the international stage as a regional center for discussions on important topics that will shape the future of economies, regional cooperation, and policies that mean improving and enhancing the business climate.

He added that this event traditionally gathers the entire region, top experts, economists, decision-makers, political and business leaders.

  • The “Jahorina Economic Forum” provides a valuable platform not only for dialogue on key economic challenges and opportunities but also for action, concrete cooperation, and the path to creating conditions for a better and higher quality life for every individual – emphasized Košarac, who is also the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers.

Source: Banjaluka.net
