
“Jahorina Business Forum” on Circular Economy

“Jahorina Business Forum” on Circular Economy

The “Jahorina Business Forum” on circular economy and new business opportunities began today on Jahorina, with 134 participants from nine countries.

The conference is organized by the Faculty of Economics at the University of East Sarajevo. Dean Marko Đogo stated that 71 papers have been accepted for this year’s event.

  • We decided on the theme of circular economy because it is a new business model that requires balancing ecological and economic aspects – said Đogo.

He recalled that the “Jahorina Business Forum” was initiated 13 years ago to promote the faculty, which had then introduced a new study program in Tourism and Hospitality.

The Mayor of East Sarajevo, Ljubiša Ćosić, said that this business forum gathers a significant number of eminent experts from the fields of economic practice and theory, highlighting its importance.

  • It is unique that the Jahorina Economic Forum is being held simultaneously, making Jahorina the center of economic theory and practice in Republika Srpska and BiH – said Ćosić.

He noted that these forums are opportunities for participants to learn about the latest developments in the functioning of the public and private sectors and the state of the economy.

The Mayor of Pale, Boško Jugović, stated that this year’s conference is of international character and very important, providing valuable guidance for directing the economy.

Jugović added that the “Jahorina Business Forum” is an opportunity for people from the fields of economics and business to meet, exchange experiences, and apply some of them in Republika Srpska.

After the opening, a plenary session titled “Circular Economy – A Model of New Business Opportunities” followed, with a panel discussion on “Circular Economy in the Context of Realized Activities – The Situation in BiH” scheduled for 12:30 PM.

At 1:30 PM, the Development Agency of Republika Srpska will present projects based on the principles of circular and/or green economy, followed by the presentation of the “Cogeneration Power Plant – Pale Municipality” project at 2:00 PM, and the interdepartmental meeting “International Economy” at 4:00 PM.

Tomorrow at 10:00 AM, participants will have the opportunity to attend sessions at the Faculty of Economics in Pale, and at 1:30 PM, the promotion of the book “50 Great Minds of Economics – Lesser Known Details from Their Lives” by Marko Đogo.

The conference conclusions will be presented at 2:30 PM at the Faculty of Economics in Pale.

Source: RTRS
