Former UN High Representative during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Carlo Bosolla, stated that the proposed resolution on Srebrenica is madness, citing that a large number of those buried in Potocari were brought from other locations between 1995 and 2010.

“There can’t be genocide with 3,000 dead, of which 2,000 were soldiers, and half of those civilians were armed,” Bosolla said in an interview with Television M.

He noted that around 3,000 Serbs, including soldiers, and between 2,400 to 2,800 Muslims, of whom about 1,100 were civilians, suffered in the Srebrenica region. He claimed they were armed and responded to attacks.

Bosolla stated that the resolution on Srebrenica will worsen relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and create a significant problem for Bosniaks, whom, he said, the international community will eventually turn its back on.

Source: RTRS
