Carlo Bozzola, the UN High Representative during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, only wants the Dayton Agreement to be respected and has no intention of separating Republika Srpska if all actors in BiH adhere to this international act.

Bozzola emphasized that the trial against Dodik is being instrumentalized and that it is a political rather than a real trial.

According to him, Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative and was appointed to fulfill the tasks of his superiors – to initiate conflict in BiH.

He added that Schmidt has not once sought to sit down and talk with the actors in BiH and believes that a conversation with Dodik is possible, as well as with certain representatives of the Bosniak community.

  • These [Bosniaks] hope for money and protection and therefore support the Americans who want to rule; one should be a good friend with them but also have a sense of self – Bozzola said to TV M.

He pointed out that the proposed resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly is madness because out of about 3,000 victims, 2,000 were soldiers and the rest civilians, half of whom were armed.

  • This is a disaster for the Muslims because immediately after that, they open wounds with the Croats. They will create a problem for themselves, and the international community will turn their backs on them. In Italy, the truth is already coming out, and people are starting to think differently – Bozzola said.

Source: RTRS
