The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that he can almost certainly say that political representatives of states in the UN, representing a population of 5.5 billion people, will not support the resolution on Srebrenica.

Dodik noted that if the resolution is adopted, it will permanently divide Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He questioned, “What to do with those who think Serbs are genocidal?”

He emphasized that we are members and descendants of a bright, brave Serbian people who endured what no other people here did.

“I was chosen to defend the identity of the Serbian people, I was chosen not to remain silent but to speak. What you will provide for us here in terms of writing in school programs what you want, that can only be your wishful thinking and a serious misunderstanding. Not just politically, but historically, and then it means a national misunderstanding,” Dodik said.

He said that Srebrenica was a setup and reminded that the crime happened from July 11 to 18.

“They ‘crammed’ in everything they could, including those who had previously died, and those who died in Zenica, and they even included living people. This speaks to the fact that it was a setup, planned from the beginning because America, among others, needed to justify their bombings, their early recognition of BiH,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
