The head of the SNSD Parliamentary Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Sanja Vulić, has conveyed a message to Sabina Ćudić and others from the Troika, who are playing politics and seeking their place in the sun, that unsubstantiated attacks on the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, cannot make them serious and credible politicians, because that comes through self-improvement and political stances that will bring benefits to the residents of FBiH.

Responding to Ćudić’s statement that the President of Srpska will not bring any part of BiH into the EU because, as she believes, his values are not compatible with the EU, Vulić reminded Ćudić that all the conditions BiH has fulfilled so far have been met thanks to the votes of MPs from the SNSD and emphasized that Ćudić and her comrades from “their party” are not interpreters of the EU path or European values.

“What is not compatible with the EU is a person who falsely represents and substitutes the Parliamentary Assembly where Ćudić sits. I would like to remind the gentlemen from ‘their party’ not to forget the fact that everything done on the path to the EU has been accomplished thanks to the efforts of elected and appointed officials from Republika Srpska and Milorad Dodik,” Vulić emphasized.

She called on political partners in FBiH to accept the political reality and return to dialogue among domestic leaders within institutions, and to stop being puppets on a string pulled by foreign mentors according to their whims and desires.

“It is high time they started thinking for themselves and working for the good of the country in which they live alongside those who elected them. We advocate for a dialogue among domestic actors, to which they obviously are not up to. Milorad Dodik has never said that the agreement reached with the Troika and HDZ is not valid, as claimed by ‘their party.’ The only ones saying ‘the agreed-upon deal doesn’t stick’ are the cuckoos from the Troika,” she said.

They should not justify their inaction and incapability to the citizens of FBiH by attacking Milorad Dodik, but finally get serious and start working, instead of just carrying out the will of foreigners and nodding along to their every whim. Gather your strength, reject foreign interventionism, and return to dialogue, because only a dialogue among domestic elected politicians can bring progress to BiH and its residents,” Vulić concluded.

Regarding Ćudić’s statement that, as she claimed, Milorad Dodik pretends to celebrate Victory Day over Fascism, Vulić emphasized that Republika Srpska celebrates Victory Day over Fascism as a holiday in accordance with the law, which cannot be said for the rest of BiH, and it celebrates, not pretends to celebrate, unlike Sarajevo’s imagination, to which Ćudić belongs.

“Serbs have something to celebrate because they are the ones who participated in the defeat of the greatest evil of the 20th century – fascism. Our ancestors gave their lives for the freedom that Ćudić enjoys today, as well as all the peoples in the territory of our former shared state of Yugoslavia. It wouldn’t hurt to read something from the history of the 20th century and remind ourselves of historical facts,” Vulić concluded.

Source: RTRS
