The Investment-Development Bank of Republika Srpska is participating in the most significant investment event worldwide – the “AIM Congress 2024” in Abu Dhabi.

The IRB presented investment opportunities in Republika Srpska to the most prominent global companies. Particularly interested in Republika Srpska’s potentials are investors from Saudi Arabia.

The director of the IRB, Dražen Vrhovac, stated that they are most interested in the gasification of Republika Srpska and that they want to invest in that project.

He mentioned that they will strive to organize a meeting at the level of the Government of Republika Srpska and the interested investors.

The Investment-Development Bank of Republika Srpska is using its stay in Abu Dhabi to invite foreign investors to the Second Investment Forum at Jahorina.

This year’s congress has gathered 900 speakers for 449 panels.

Source: RTRS
