We should consider whether to participate in the election process led by the Central Election Commission (CEC) or wait for the law adopted by the National Assembly to take effect, said President of the DNS party, Nenad Nešić.

Nešić emphasizes that, considering the deadlines have begun to run, he expects the most urgent matter to be reaching a common position of all parliamentary parties headquartered in Republika Srpska. He added that this meeting should be convened by the leader of the SNSD party, Milorad Dodik.

“We need to clearly demonstrate that we are not a colony, that we have our own stance and voice. We should see what is realistic, possible, and in the interest of Republika at this moment,” Nešić told “Glas Srpske,” adding that consideration should also be given to postponing local elections and merging them with general elections, scheduled for 2026.

Source: RTRS
