Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Stasha Košarac emphasized that the recent statements by Johan Satler confirm that he is not a European ambassador but a typical Sarajevo ally and promoter of international protectorate in BiH, with which this country will never become a member of the EU.

Commenting on Satler’s statement that two projects worth 1.2 billion KM have been halted in Republika Srpska and that the leadership of Republika Srpska and President Milorad Dodik are responsible for it, as he believes, for escalating the crisis in BiH, Košarac told Srna that Satler, in the manner of a classic convert and demagogue, tells one story to officials in Republika Srpska, and quite another in Sarajevo, siding with those who undermine the Dayton structure and aspire to a unitary BiH.

“It didn’t take Satler long to change his tune, turning his opinion of the leadership of Republika Srpska and President Milorad Dodik from individuals who played a ‘significant role in initiating the EU integration process’ into individuals ‘responsible for escalating the crisis in BiH.’ What’s difficult for him because of the needs of his allies from the Sarajevo bazaar? – highlighted Košarac.

He emphasized that Satler persistently remains silent and ignores the fact that every step forward by BiH towards the EU has been achieved thanks to the efforts, support, and efforts of President Dodik, the institutions of Srpska, and its representatives at the joint level.

“And okay, Satler can turn a blind eye as much as he wants, but that’s a notorious fact and truth,” Košarac pointed out.

Instead of promoting European values ​​in BiH, reaching a domestic political consensus, and the autonomous decisions of institutions, Satler gives full support to the illegitimate Christian Schmidt in his efforts to make this country a colony, applauding the arbitrary decisions of foreigners.

He asked why Satler remains silent when an illegitimate foreigner undermines the institutions of this country and abuses domestic legislation and why he did not speak out against the political persecution and judicial process against the legally and legitimately elected President of Srpska Milorad Dodik?

“We really don’t need Europe that condones the arbitrariness of colonial appointee Schmidt and Ambassador/US to BiH Michael Murphy in dismantling the constitutional and Dayton order in BiH. We don’t need a European ambassador who spends his mandate in BiH by not considering how Sarajevo blocks development projects in Srpska, such as the Buk Bijela Hydro Power Plant, the Eastern Gas Interconnection, Trebinje Airport, and the like,” Košarac conveyed.

He reminded that Satler does not talk about that, but dares to manipulatively and unfoundedly launch salvos of false accusations against Srpska and its president.

“Satler is the only consistent one in serving the double standards of the EU, the condescending attitude towards Schmidt and Murphy, and the alliance with political Sarajevo, which is generally against the interests of Srpska,” Košarac assessed.

Source: RTRS
