It is unacceptable for us to have the Election Law imposed, said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Dodik emphasized that Christian Schmidt is a false High Representative and that, even if he were legitimate, he would not have the right to impose.

  • This complicates the situation in BiH to the extent that our future relations are very uncertain. Now we have an announcement in the Council of Nations from the Bosniak delegation that they will veto. We will not allow this to be abused, and whatever we do in this regard will be aimed at preventing any speculations that may arise. We will wait for the Election Law of Republika Srpska – said Dodik.

Dodik emphasized that the main goal is to achieve a formally flawless procedure and the adoption of the Election Law of Republika Srpska.

  • It now implies a veto from the Bosniaks, followed by consultations between the National Assembly and the Council of Nations. If there is no agreement, then it goes to the Constitutional Court. And all this cannot be completed in the next two months. We will sit within the coalition and make some decisions. They will aim exclusively to protect the electoral process and create conditions for the affirmation of the Election Law of Republika Srpska – Dodik stated.

Source: RTRS
