The head of the Representation of Republika Srpska in Serbia, Mlađen Cicović, stated that the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations between Serbia and Republika Srpska, signed on this day 24 years ago, raised the significance of the Dayton Agreement to an even higher level and enabled unhindered cooperation in all areas.

Cicović emphasized that this has led to Serbia and Republika Srpska being closer today than ever.

  • We have excellent cooperation, from that at the level of the two presidents, through the national assemblies, governments, chambers of commerce, and simultaneously in the fields of science, culture, and the arts – said Cicović.

Cicović added that there is intensive cooperation between scientific and educational institutions, exchange of theater performances.

We are increasingly collaborating in the fields of film, education, sports, and everything that constitutes the lives of citizens – Cicović emphasized.

He said that under the Agreement on Special and Parallel Relations, significant infrastructure projects have been successfully initiated, and there is hardly any place in Republika Srpska where Serbia has not built, helped, or stimulated development.

  • It is particularly important that Republika Srpska and Serbia, with Presidents Milorad Dodik and Aleksandar Vučić at the helm, recognized all the trials and challenges in time and defined a common policy which, above all, serves to preserve our national identity in these areas – said Cicović.

He emphasized that dates like this one are always an opportunity to further analyze what has been done in the previous period and what can be done to elevate the cooperation between Republika Srpska and Serbia to an even more significant level.

  • I especially mean economic cooperation, where there is plenty of room, and I believe that in the next period, we will build even stronger joint infrastructure projects, jointly use our economic and natural resources, build an airport in Trebinje, and realize many other joint projects – said Cicović.

He expressed confidence that in the next period, there will be even stronger and firmer work on strengthening cooperation, unity, and solidarity.

  • Only in this way can we resist all those who want to annul the Dayton Agreement and unify Bosnia and Herzegovina – Cicović concluded.

Cicović reminded that Republika Srpska and Serbia are jointly marking all significant dates in Serbian history today, celebrating together the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom, and the National Flag.

  • Together, we nurture the culture of remembrance, demonstrating how aware we are of the importance of our unity and solidarity and how important those who have embedded their lives in the foundations of Republika Srpska and Serbia are to us. In this way, we best define our future and all that we need to do together – Cicović said to SRNA.

The then Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ratified the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Republika Srpska on May 10, 2001.

The need for this agreement arose with the dissolution of the SFR Yugoslavia because the citizens of Republika Srpska wanted to remain in a community with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

This agreement was signed to develop cooperation between Republika Srpska and Serbia in the areas of economy and the use of economic resources, planning, privatization and denationalization, science and technology, education, culture and sports, health and social policies, tourism and environmental protection, information, protection of freedoms and citizens’ rights, as well as combating crime.

Source: RTRS
