Voting for the Srebrenica Resolution would be a catastrophic move for Montenegro, said Milan Knežević, the president of the Democratic People’s Party of Montenegro, during his appearance on the Morning Program of RTRS.

“I believe that Montenegro should oppose the resolution because if it votes in favor, then Montenegro, along with Serbia and Republika Srpska, would be considered a genocidal state. I have informed Prime Minister Milojko Spajić that this would be a catastrophic move for official Montenegro. If this happens, we will irreversibly damage our relations with Serbia and Republika Srpska,” emphasized Knežević.

After Prime Minister Milojko Spajić stated that Montenegro would support the resolution, there followed an announcement that, through US mediation, Montenegro would submit two amendments to the German Resolution on Srebrenica in order to improve relations and ease political tensions in the region.

“These amendments do not exist, or they have not yet been written. If someone is truly interested in reconciliation, why not write amendments for all victims? Why are Serbian victims the least important, and when we mention them, they ask us to focus on the future?” highlighted Knežević.

He reminded that 40 percent of Montenegro’s population identifies as Serbian.

“Imagine how they will feel if the resolution is adopted. This decision leads to the abolition of Republika Srpska, and I believe we have no right to be part of that disgrace,” added Knežević.

According to him, if the resolution is adopted, it should be declared null and void in Serbia, Republika Srpska, and Montenegro.

“Resolutions have become tediously tendentious; there is neither reverence nor empathy for those victims because if it were different, this story wouldn’t be brought up every few months. The citizens of Montenegro, at least the majority, are against the resolution and believe that this is an artificially created atmosphere to distance Montenegro from Republika Srpska and Serbia,” stated Knežević.

Source: RTRS
