Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stated that efforts to break the Serbs are still ongoing, evidenced by attempts to pass a resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly. He also noted that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is the only one in Bosnia and Herzegovina fighting for Dayton principles.

“The goal to break the Serbs persists. Ten years ago, they attempted to pass such a resolution at the UN Security Council. We vetoed it,” Lavrov said to ATV.

Lavrov emphasized the difficulty in explaining the motivations of Europeans pushing this idea, except to suggest that Serbs are too stubborn.

He highlighted that Serbs are too independent in their behavior, refusing to comply with demands to join sanctions against Russia, unwilling to recognize the independence of so-called Kosovo, and resisting self-proclaimed Kosovo’s membership in international organizations, which the West now considers an ultimatum to Belgrade.

Lavrov stated that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik is portrayed as the main villain, despite being the only one fighting for Dayton principles.

The head of Russian diplomacy reminded that the self-proclaimed German High Representative, who is illegitimate because the Security Council did not confirm him, is trying to discredit Republika Srpska and advocates for the unitarization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He attempts, added Lavrov, to play with some political forces among the Bosnian Croats, but they too have their own views on defending the identity and principles of Dayton on the equality of the three constituent peoples.

“All of this is sad. These are the people who occasionally accuse us and other countries of violating the UN Charter, violating Security Council resolutions. And what they are now pushing as part of the daily agenda for BiH is directly undermining the resolutions of the UN Security Council,” said Lavrov.

He added that perhaps that’s why the US representative to the UN in New York, Thomas Greenfield, said after the adoption of a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan that the resolution was adopted, the US did not obstruct it, they abstained, but everyone knows “that this resolution is not binding.”

“Despite the fact that the UN Charter states that all Security Council resolutions are binding. But, you see, for the US, resolutions on Palestine, the Balkans, if they represent the interests of the Serbian people, are not binding. And that should be kept in mind,” emphasized Lavrov.

Lavrov noted that from Brussels, they tell Belgrade that if it wants to join the EU, it must recognize the self-proclaimed Kosovo and join sanctions against Russia, and that EU membership automatically implies a struggle against Russia.

He pointed out that they tell this to Serbs, completely ignoring the history of friendship between the two peoples, common battles for freedom, independence, Orthodoxy, for the Slavs, because the West is not interested in any of that.

“I would even say they are interested, but with a minus sign, and precisely because of that, it needs to be destroyed,” Lavrov emphasized.

Shameful Decision for So-called Kosovo to Join the Council of Europe

He reminded of the shameful decision, or the vote of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for the so-called Kosovo to be admitted to the Council of Europe as a state, as a full member.

“Everyone knows that Kosovo is a territory of complete lawlessness. But our Western colleagues don’t blush, they talk about it as if it were almost a beacon of democracy. There has never been any democracy there, it is a territory of organized crime, a territory of ethnic cleansing against Serbs,” said Lavrov.

He also pointed out that it is obvious that so-called Kosovo eradicates Orthodoxy and that the West likes it.

“The West wants irreparable damage to be done to Orthodoxy and for the Orthodox world to be under the leadership of the Istanbul Patriarch who is under the direct command of the United States. They finance him and he fulfills all their whims. The same policy applies to Republika Srpska,” Lavrov concluded.

Source: RTRS
