Today, at a UN Security Council session dedicated to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia is likely to criticize the promotion of the draft Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly as undermining the Constitution of BiH and the provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement, according to an analysis of the upcoming session published on the UN website.

Russia is expected to refer to the BiH Constitution, which states that the tripartite Presidency of BiH is responsible for conducting the foreign policy of BiH, and to emphasize that Republika Srpska did not consent to the draft Srebrenica resolution.

Russia requested the Security Council session following a letter sent by the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, to the UN Security Council on April 25, in which she points out abuses in the foreign policy of BiH, including the promotion of the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly.

In her letter, Cvijanović notes that BiH has been facing key challenges in recent years that threaten its functionality and long-term sustainability, as stated in the analysis published on the UN website.

Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, has previously warned that the Srebrenica resolution could destabilize BiH and that Russia would never support it.

Nebenzya has pointed out that the draft text of the resolution is incompatible with the Dayton Peace Agreement, as one of the entities forming the state of BiH has never given its consent.

The Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, has officially requested to address the UN Security Council via video link.

According to Srna, the Americans have requested the UN Security Council to also allow Christian Schmidt to speak at the session.

The members of the UN Security Council are expected to express differing views on the situation in BiH.

“Deep divisions regarding the Euro-Atlantic integrations of BiH and possible NATO accession, especially between Russia on one side and the United States and EU members on the other, dictate the Council’s dynamics concerning BiH,” the analysis states.

The session will also feature the participation of the Assistant Secretary-General of the Security Council for Europe, Central Asia, and America, Miroslav Jenča, as announced on the UN website.

Source: RTRS
