Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, expressed his empathy with the pain of all war victims, including the Mothers of Srebrenica, but lamented the practice of victim associations becoming politicized and entangled in politics, misusing their pain.

“The Mothers of Srebrenica have become a political association, mobilized with one goal – to further malign and demonize the Serb people. This is unacceptable. It is absolutely unacceptable to have a one-sided approach and to spread falsehoods with the intent of labeling the Serb people as genocidal,” added Košarac.

He questioned what about the Serb victims?

“Are the tears of Serbian mothers less valuable? Are the black scarves of Serbian mothers less worthy of attention and apologies from the world powers and the UN than the white scarves of the Mothers of Srebrenica? Who killed Serbs in Sarajevo, Podrinje, Jošanica…? Why don’t Suljagić, Subašić, Konaković, and other Bosniak officials talk about this? What about the camps for Serbs? This is kept silent,” concludes Košarac.

He adds that instead of fighting for the truth, they have chosen threats and a witch-hunt against the Serb people, Srpska, and Serbia.

“They attack Presidents Dodik and Vučić on a daily basis, calling for international interventionism in a constant effort to abolish Srpska. This will bring no good to anyone. Republika Srpska is a reality. The message of Srpska is peace, cooperation, and mutual respect. If they do not want this, peaceful disassociation is the only option,” Košarac notes on his Instagram account.

Source: RTRS
