The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), will present the truth and facts in her address at the UN Security Council session, facts which only those who are undermining the Dayton Agreement in BiH do not want to hear.

“We can be very proud of the diplomatic activity and the fight to prevent the adoption of a shameful act like the resolution on Srebrenica, which portrays Serbs as a ‘criminal and genocidal people’ and Republika Srpska as a ‘genocidal creation.’ Serbs have been on the side of truth and justice, patriotism and anti-fascism for centuries, and for decades they have tried to label us as criminals. We will never allow this,” Dodik told Srna.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska has always fought for the complete and consistent implementation and respect of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution.

“We have asked for nothing else but what we are entitled to. All the time, we advocate for the letter, not the spirit of Dayton, while others do everything to destroy the agreement that brought peace to this region and to realize their war dream of a unitary, Muslim BiH where two constituent peoples, Serbs and Croats, would be marginalized,” stated the President of Srpska.

He noted that every possibility for agreement has been destroyed by Bosniak political representatives at the behest of foreigners. “One by one, they have deviated from the official policy of the joint institutions, completely ignoring the positions of Republika Srpska, and advocating everywhere for Alija’s Bosnia, to which the Serbs will never agree,” emphasized Dodik.

He said that Bosniak representatives at the joint level have never represented BiH, nor even the Federation, as the situation there is the same.

“Their capabilities are limited to attempts to profiteer wherever they can and reach, as they do not have the capacity or legitimacy to represent BiH without Republika Srpska. They can walk around the world, invent, lie, say whatever they like, but the truth is singular and it is known whose and which views are relevant. Only what is the result of consensus and agreement of three peoples and two entities is the official policy of BiH, everything else are lies and dreams of Bosniak political representatives,” highlighted the President of Srpska.

He said that now there are also rigged political court processes against representatives of Republika Srpska simply because they respected the Constitution and opposed the violation of laws and the caprice of an unnamed foreigner who falsely represents himself as the High Representative.

“That is the whole truth about BiH that will have the opportunity to be heard by everyone in the Security Council today. Republika Srpska leads a policy of peace, a policy without conflict, a policy of respecting the letter, not the spirit of Dayton, and that is our response to the constant attacks, setups, and lies coming from political Sarajevo,” concluded Dodik.

Source: RTRS
