The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that Republika Srpska respects every victim and mourns every life lost, regardless of nationality, skin color, or personal beliefs, but cannot and will not agree to manipulations and turn a blind eye to the deceptions and lies coming from those who have themselves experienced such pain and loss.

Speaking about Srebrenica and the addresses at the UN by Munira Subašić and Emir Suljagić, who is well-known for his stance, as well as the claims by victim associations that Republika Srpska is radicalizing the situation, Dodik emphasized their aim to create an atmosphere that Srpska wants conflicts and to have troops installed. “This was confirmed in their letter,” said Dodik in response to Srna’s request to comment on Subašić’s and Suljagić’s speeches at the UN.

The President of Srpska stressed that it is evident that the Germans have whispered to the Bosniak political representatives that this is the only way they can complete their unitary Bosnian project, instructing them on what to do and how to proceed.

“It is shameful and sad how the victims in Srebrenica have been exploited. In the end, nothing will come from the resolution because there is no majority support, the victims will be humiliated, and the relations between Serbs and Bosniaks permanently damaged,” Dodik pointed out.

He stated that the West will achieve what it wanted – to divert attention from the hypocritical policies they lead towards other parts of the world where conflicts are occurring and Muslims are suffering.

“However, the consequences of their policy will mostly be felt by BiH, which will not survive. BiH is already dead, killed by those who forcefully assembled us, constantly undermining and causing misunderstandings preventing us from making decisions ourselves and creating solutions that would be good for all three peoples, not just one side,” emphasized the President of Srpska.

He noted that any agreement made by domestic politicians has been destroyed by foreigners, led by Christian Schmidt and Michael Murphy, because they, as he emphasized, do not favor dialogue and solutions brought by legitimately elected political representatives of the three constituent peoples, nor any progress in BiH that would be beneficial to all its residents.

Source: RTRS
