At the request of Russia, the United Nations Security Council is holding an emergency session tonight. The topic is the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Presidency of BiH, will address the session via video link.

In a letter to the Security Council members, Cvijanović warned of a gross violation of the Dayton Constitution. She stated that in BiH, rather than law, the authority of force prevails, favoring only one of the three peoples, leading to further divisions and directly threatening the existence of BiH.

Representatives of Russia at the UN have warned that BiH is on the brink of armed conflict. They highlight that Zlatko Lagumdžija, who initiated the discussion on the Resolution on Srebrenica without consensus, holds the match.

In her letter to the United Nations, Željka Cvijanović warned of abuses in foreign policy, particularly regarding issues that will be discussed by key UN bodies in the coming period. This includes the draft resolution on Srebrenica, about which the tripartite Presidency of BiH has never expressed an opinion.

  • No official stance has been taken, nor has any formal decision been made on this issue. Essentially, despite Germany and Rwanda nominally sponsoring the resolution, with the support of several countries, the actions of the permanent representation of BiH at the UN in drafting the resolution, presenting its content, and lobbying for its adoption represent an illegal act, reflecting the will of only one ethnic group within BiH,” stated Cvijanović’s letter.

Regarding foreign interventionism, Cvijanović also warned of the actions of foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of BiH and Christian Schmidt, whose address was requested by the USA. The Russian mission opposes Schmidt’s address because he has not been confirmed by the Security Council as the High Representative and can therefore only speak in a personal capacity.

Deputy Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky believes that BiH is “on the brink of armed conflict” due to the actions of Western representatives who violate the Dayton Peace Agreement and seek to undermine the positions of the Serbs.

  • The current ambassador of BiH to the UN (a Bosniak) holds the match; he initiated an extremely harmful and provocative draft resolution of the UN General Assembly regarding the events in Srebrenica in 1995 without the necessary consensus within the country. Additionally, the country appears to be ruled by the illegitimate ‘High Representative’ German Christian Schmidt pushed by the West,” Polyansky considers.

These facts and truths will be heard tonight at 10 PM by those who do not want to hear and who are undermining Dayton’s BiH, emphasizes the President of Srpska, Milorad Dodik. “Republika Srpska advocates a policy of peace, a policy without conflict, a policy of respecting the letter, not the spirit of Dayton,” concluded Dodik.

  • We can be very proud of the diplomatic activity and the fight to prevent the passing of a shameful act like the resolution on Srebrenica, which portrays the Serbs as ‘criminal and genocidal people’ and Republika Srpska as a ‘genocidal creation’. Serbs have been on the side of truth and justice, patriotism, and antifascism for centuries, and for decades they have tried to label us as criminals. We will never allow this,” Dodik stated.

Cvijanović will defend the Constitution of Srpska, the Constitution of BiH, and the Dayton Agreement at the Security Council session in a convincing, well-argued, and constitutional manner, emphasizes the advisor to the Serb member of the Presidency, Saša Aulić. The resolution on Srebrenica, he says, is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  • We hear from various Bosniak representatives that this resolution is not directed against the Serbian people and does not impose collective guilt. If it’s really so, why weren’t representatives of the Serbian people in the joint institutions consulted during its drafting and proposal? Why didn’t you consult Ms. Cvijanović, who sits in the institution responsible for foreign policy?” highlighted Aulić.

The resolution on Srebrenica opens Pandora’s box, reiterated today by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. Because of his statement yesterday, regional media, he says, have organized lie factories against Serbia.

  • Today you could see in regional media, from the Mother of Srebrenica to all others who say that Pandora’s box is actually a war against our neighbors, further armament, although it was completely clear that it has nothing to do with one another. Regardless of these factories of lies, Serbia will prevail,” Vučić stated.

Vučić emphasizes that at yesterday’s press conference, he unequivocally spoke about the need to preserve peace and what Serbia will do to ensure peace is maintained.

Source: RTRS
