President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated in his address to the nation that the outcome of the vote on the Srebrenica resolution will not be humiliating for the Serb people, and that the “match” is very uncertain. He expects the UN Security Council session on the Srebrenica resolution to be held on May 9th, with the General Assembly vote scheduled for the week of May 11-16.

“For the Resolution on the Genocide in Rwanda, it wasn’t just the consent of the people in Rwanda that was necessary, but rather the consent of the entire continent. At that time, the African Union came forward with a unanimous decision. They conducted consultations within the country, extensive regional consultations. But look at the example here. We first learned on March 26th from our German partners that they had been preparing it for eight months. We are the closest neighbors, with members who make up 32% of BiH. My question to our American partners is: Why do you allow such a violation of the Dayton Agreement?” asked Vučić.

He added that it’s about a brutal violation of the Dayton Agreement, which is why the Americans have withdrawn.

“They are silent because they know we are right, and they let others spout nonsense,” he added.

He mentioned that the Serbs would be good enough if they bowed their heads and let themselves be beaten with a stick on the head, and then it would also be necessary to say they liked it. He added that he has decided to go to New York.

“I spoke with 22 presidents and prime ministers around the world, with six UN officials, and with representatives from a total of 111 countries at the UN. I continued to do so today and will continue to do it every day because I knew well the intentions of those who are the sponsors of the Resolution, both the Germans and those from Sarajevo who have quietly supported it,” Vučić said.

He adds that there is no problem being exposed to lynching because he wants to prevent wars in the future due to someone’s irresponsible policy.

“They didn’t ask for some Vučić to bow his head in Srebrenica or lay a flower, they are seeking legal and political consequences,” he said.

He emphasizes that this will be the first Resolution to be adopted by outvoting, without consensus.

“Some want to cover their silence about Gaza and not solving problems everywhere in the world, and to point out to Muslims that Serbs are to blame for everything. Many Islamic countries have understood this very well and will oppose it, as will many others,” he said.

He stresses that the results will not be humiliating for Serbia and the Serb people.

“More than 100 countries have expressed respect for our country and clearly understand what is happening. Another thing is whether someone under pressure dares to express differently. There are not many free countries in the world like Serbia,” Vučić said.

He adds that it is a synchronized action of the most powerful European powers to deal a final political blow to Serbia.

“They didn’t expect Serbia to stand up straight and not allow anyone to knock it down,” he said.

He noted that he had a long conversation with the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“He asked me to move the Easter assembly for a moment so that we could jointly reason, rationalize, and make rational decisions after the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution. I accepted that,” Vučić stated.

He emphasized that the position of the Republic of Serbia is known.

“Serbia recognizes BiH and its territorial integrity and the territorial integrity of Republika Srpska and seeks respect for ‘Dayton’,” Vučić said, once again asking American “partners” why they support the violation of “Dayton.”

He expects the UN Security Council session on the Srebrenica resolution to be held on May 9, with the General Assembly vote in the week between May 11 and 16. It was previously announced that the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe will vote on May 16 on the admission of Pristina to this organization.

Source: RTRS
