Today, we had the opportunity to see that the Prosecution did what we stated in our opening remarks—they have nothing, stated attorney Miljkan Pucar.
“They have repeatedly proposed the same pieces of evidence, provided by the Official Gazette and SIPA. When you have nothing in hand, you create a big list to confuse the judge. I think today the judge has refuted them in one respect. And that is that she will judge each piece of evidence regarding its authenticity. It’s very important for us that she dismissed as evidence an act which the Prosecution refers to as Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement,” emphasized Pucar.

“We received a document, but it’s not that document,” says Pucar.
It should be reminded that today at the trial, the Court of BiH and the defense did not accept Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement because it is a “document” that the BiH Prosecution downloaded from the UN website and translated into “Bosnian language.”
This document, which was brought up at today’s hearing, was neither signed nor in English, which Judge Sena Uzunović also objected to. She has requested the Prosecution to provide the document of Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement in English with an adequate translation.
Source: RTRS