The Directorate for European Integration has provided the Council of Ministers and other institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as all bodies established by the decision on the coordination system of the European integration process in BiH, with materials from the explanatory screening meetings held by the European Commission with North Macedonia, Albania, Ukraine, and Moldova.

These materials—including video recordings, presentations, and meeting agendas—were sent to BiH following the first introductory meeting between BiH and the EU on April 24 in Brussels, where the European Commission thoroughly presented the steps in the accession negotiations, primarily the process of the analytical review of legislation, announced by the DEI.

The explanatory screening is a phase in which the European Commission thoroughly presents the entire EU acquis to the institutions of the candidate country.

This is followed by bilateral screening, during which the candidate country presents its legislation and identifies differences in relation to the EU acquis.

At the end of this process, the European Commission prepares reports that provide a detailed analysis of the situation and an assessment of the country’s readiness to open negotiations by clusters, or to conduct negotiations by chapters.

The Directorate will continue to act in accordance with its competencies regarding the subsequent phases of the process, and the public will be timely informed about all steps, stated in the announcement.

Materials have been delivered to all working groups for European integration, the Commission for European Integration, the Collegium for European Integration, the Advisory Body, and ministerial conferences.

Source: RTRS
