At today’s hearing against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, written evidence was presented, or what the BiH Prosecution contends to be evidence, stated attorney Goran Petronijević after the session at the Court of BiH.

“The defense has challenged many of these pieces of evidence due to their lack of authenticity, as they were submitted contrary to the provisions of the criminal procedure law, in a form that is not suitable to be considered as written evidence according to the law,” said Petronijević.

He noted that the next critical phase of the proceedings would involve the court deciding which of the defense’s proposed evidence to accept.

Petronijević emphasized that the defense’s proposals were not meant to delay the proceedings.

“The defense did not make proposals, unlike the Prosecution, to fill the court file but solely purposeful and key proposals that can testify and prove facts that resolve this case,” Petronijević explained.

He questioned why the so-called illegitimate High Representative, Christian Schmit, is hesitant to appear in the Court of BiH.

“What’s the problem with him coming? The Prosecution dedicated two full pages in their written submission to justify their stance that Christian Schmit should not appear as a witness at the defense’s request,” stated Petronijević.
